Home / Community / Meetings / 2003-11-03

November 3, 2003

Sun Attendees

  • Chris Baker
  • Eric Boutilier
  • Alan DuBoff

Community Attendees

  • Phil Brown
  • Steve Christensen
  • Sascha Ferley
  • Bruce Riddle
  • Rich Teer
  • John Weekley
  • Mariusz Zynel

Eric gave an overview on the BOF, we could have used more space. We had way more people that we had room for. Overall, the feeling was very positive. Alan talked about the HCTS, and Phil gave a presentation on FreeHBA, a free HBA driver that Phil had written.

General tone is that people wanted Solaris and didn't want Linux, so this was a good sign.

Sascha mentioned that his EDU is moving from Linux to Solaris x86 due to the way Red Hat has treated their university.

Alan mentioned that Sascha was going to be heading up the EDU workgroup, and Phil will be heading the device driver workgroup. HPC would be a good workgroup, and a desktop/multimedia workgroup. Dennis is interested in doing a storage workgroup.

Both Rich and Steve are interested in being a point contact for groups but don't have anything in mind yet.

Rich brought up the topic of marketing and how we can get the word out to the average Joe, opposed to the converted. Sun is currently working in this area and hopefully things will be happening.

Scott McNealy is doing a keynote at Comdex in Las Vegas taking place on November 18-22.


Last modified: 2003-12-22